I've recently been struggling with some Scriptural precepts, specifically the ones found in 1 Timothy 2 and 5. I found the author's view that Eve was deceived, and not Adam, false quite frankly. I also felt some of the rules laid out in chapter 5 to be somewhat arbitrary and too broad. So, I searched online and withing 10 minutes found acceptable commentaries that addressed both of these issues. My problems have been essentially solved by being shown to look at these verses in context. When the author of 1 Timothy wrote to Ol' Tim, he was writing to a brother in a specific place at a specific time. It is important to understand that some of the laws he lays out are simply limited to that situation, and do not necessarily apply today. However, the concepts still do. The writer was attacking the influence of Gnostic teachers of the day, taking a polemic standpoint to counteract the destructive influence their false doctrine was having on the women of the community. He was not countering it with more falsity, but simply in a way that would hopefully make the women of the congregation reconsider their actions.
Let me link you to the two commentaries I read- they do a better job than I of explaining this:
Women Priest's commentary on chapter 2 and
Enduring Word's commentary on chapter 5
The point I would like to make here is this: do not become too frustrated when grappling the scriptures, but if you do, focus it in a constructive way, because the answers to your questions will be out there. And don't let your problems with Scripture interfere with your faith in Christ, if you have it.
That's all for now!
OHH! to see you post this:)
I was in chapel today and one of the students presented his ethics paper for school. I know the paper was about gender roles and i agreed with his arguments but dont ask me specifically everything he said cuz it as in Spanish. Anyway i tell you this cuz i thought of you and the people of J-ville and what we have talked about concerning our favorite woman pastor Mrs. Bauer. I wondered what you believed concerning woman in the church and pulpit. there is also a student that made a t-shirt for himself here that has 1 tim 2:12 written on it. I was discussing this with a proff and he opened the book read the verses 11-15, started laughing, and asked me if i agreed with this rout to salvation. He told me that his wife read that passage and blurted out "its wrong!and unBiblical!" this made me wonder then my proff pointed out that it says that salvation is found in childbearing and piety. I also discovered that in the original greek translation submission was the word used in context of submitting to the Holy Spirit.
Anyway you can probably tell that i have enjoyed your post. and im happy that i go to a school that is going to allow me to take a preaching class
i've heard an interpretation that salvation in that context is more in the terms of having a fuller life. but that is good that you are taking a preaching class. I've known many a woman who are far more spiritual than I, and women who've taught me many lessons.
OK - the picture is photoshopped, right? I love it.
For another resource on I Timothy 2, I would point you to Ben Witherington's (Asbury Seminary prof) recent blog post in which he gives a link to an audio file of a seminar he did about Paul and women. It's long...like over 2 hours, but it's interesting and there is a good discussion on I Timothy 2. I don't agree with all of it (I would consider myself more of a complementarian than an egalitarian), but I thought the explanations of "Eve was deceived" and "women shall be saved through childbirth" were particularly insightful.
Thanks! I'll check that out as soon as I have two hours to kill ^_^! Seriously though, I will.
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